“we have drafted the best bill ever came to loksabha .the government cant not eschew the promise which it made to the country on 16th august by handing over a letter cum sense of the house to us which promised to full-fill our three key demands. a)citizen charter to be a integral part of lokpal.b)bring lower bureaucray under the purview of lokpal bill.c)PM to be brought under lokpal bill.’’was spoken by one of team anna’s prominent member.
There is no point in turning a toothless bill into constitutional body, its like awarding an fugitive with PARAMVEER CHAKRA.PM has been put under the purview of lokpal bill but he can’t be prosecuted in matters of external relation, internal matter or atomic energy .its again like breastless mother is asked to breastfeed her child. |
Was team anna’s suggestion inadequate for wiping out corruption from country?.if not then why government accepted demands and assured them of incorporating it in strong lokpal bill.the government which says it can keep a close eye on 25 million facebook users and 10 crore google users found itself incompetent to put 50 lakh group c employees under lokpal on the pretext of not possible for government to observe this number amount of people. lokpal was supposed to be an independent body to tackle corruption of society most prominent of then was top politicians of india such as PM,HM & FM. but government put all rights in its control whether to appoint lokayukta or depose him. no doubt toothless lokpal body would be negatively exercised by govt as it does with CBI. in fact government was not trying to amend the bill rather it made an effort to make lokpal puppet in hands of government.team anna called the bill worse than previous one which was presented in AUGUST.

There is no point in turning a toothless bill into constitutional body, its like awarding an fugitive with PARAMVEER CHAKRA.PM has been put under the purview of lokpal bill but he can’t be prosecuted in matters of external relation, internal matter or atomic energy .its again like breastless mother is asked to breastfeed her child. was it between standing committee Vs good bill.or team anna’s bill against govt’s ego .i am not sure about it but some of audio recording of standing committee meeting between team anna and government reflects it where kapil sibbal seems to be furious and soughting and locking horns with Prashant Bhushan for no reason.
BJP in whole fiasco is a major player in safe game and have been alleged of concentrating and fomenting TEAM ANNA for negative campaign against congress in five states assemble electons. well away from lokpal whatsoever development are taking place as the whole year revolved around letter ‘’C’’ congress and corruption; it is paving way for BJP 2014 victory a final. Shanwaz hussain is heard on television saying ‘’congress is making rod for its own back’’ .as team anna has right to present its view so do BJP therefore their stand on lokpal may be political but they can’t be blamed.
team anna has been alleged of being dictating parliament in terms of clauses of lokpal bill. ‘’Inko bill lana hi padega.............’’-anna hazare .just imagine where the clash between team anna and government has gone.allegations are doing rounds of newspaper- KIRAN BEDI and A.Raja matches to same level of scrutiny of corruption ;anna hazare is RSS agent;kejriwal is TAX CHOR;shanti and prashant bhusan are hand in gloves with U.P government.the ve big question ‘’why all allegation came when anna launched campaign against corruption.the most prominent one ‘’tum sir se pair tak bhrashtachar me dube hue ho’’ and later manish tiwari apologized for his comments. I say why he apologized if he had once put a aggressively allegation on him deliberately . in a same manner as digvijay singh says why ‘’ramdev broke his fast if he had gone on fast onto death’’.
Govenent says it does not want to outwork accordance with law and parliament dignity.The bill was pending in loksabha since last 44 years who brought it back again in loksabha. it was not anna hazare……it were you and we who came out on the street in uncounted numbers protested peacefully. the whole country seemed backing team anna’s bill as TIHAD JAIL became tahrir square for a moment .government who arrested him was ready to release him without any condition .was it unde rules?.did it toe the line of parliament dignity when government send sense of house to ramila?was not it a starting of making a law from road?now the govt asserts laws not to be maid from the road?just imagine what had have happened if lakhs of people would have gathered at MMRDA ground and more than that on jantar mantar for peaceful protest ?would not strong bill have been passed?this time who killed the bill?.i dought whether it was you or me because I was busy in my room in taking lunch and u in your office?we took off when there was a cricket world cup final 2011?no one said ,still almost 80% people took to road.We actually don’t care …….who is fasting? …..why is he fasting?......why one leaves his IRS job? Why one does not care of his IIT kharagpur tag?inspite of having 65% youth in our country ,a 72 year old person has to go on fast ;will he be benefited from this bill?the real pain killer of eradicating corruption is U & me.dont u think so? I would finish it off by quoting prasoon joshi’s line ‘’itna kyon sote hain hum,itna lamba itna gahra beshudh kyon sote hain hum……aakhir kab jagenge hum?its been 44 years of slumber ,no more sleep now.